I am a reformed character, I hope. Hellish weekend.
We finally had the brats on Friday, with kraut and mustard, and not too much afterwards, for me. Unfortunately, I'd played the mild gambling game of buying food from the machine on Friday afternoon, and won - sometimes, if the machine doesn't spit out your first selection, you get two of it, as it rolls its dispenser mechanism in order to free the one that got stuck. And I got two packages of chips, and ate them both. Bad move. 148.0 on Saturday morning. Plus, at some point, Friday night (I think), I'd done some more pushups and squats and had some inflammation from that. Anyway, Saturday, I had a fat-bomb smoothie, no real lunch (probably some cheese), and Mexican for dinner (enchiladas, chips and salsa), and Sunday, I was up to 148.6. Saturday, I also spent several hours pulling weeds and picking up leaves and what-not, increasing the stiffness and inflammation. Sunday, I fasted breakfast altogether, had a bit of cheese and an apple mid-afternoon, and pot-roast with potatoes and carrots and salad for dinner, followed by crustless pumpkin pie and ice cream. As a result, I'm at 148.4 this morning, aching like nobody's business, and none too happy about it.
Maybe I was very low carb for too long. And you know what? It worked just fine for me. So maybe I should consume an occasional safe starch, but I don't think it's imperative. I'm going back to meat, cheese, leaves as my basic food groups, with occasional forays into fruit and a potato in non-fried form here and there. Maybe a very little rice. Because I don't like being in pain head-to-toe, and while I do know that the exercise and muscle building stuff is some to blame, I think perhaps it wouldn't be quite so painful if I'd avoided the safe starches. Just saying.
So I have some cheese with me for snacks today, Lee will be out of town starting on Thursday for about 2 weeks, and I'm going to go back to routine fasting, taco salad type things, and snacking on cheese or nuts (a few fewer than before, but some). That worked for me, and all this other stuff isn't.
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