Monday, June 27, 2011


So, let's see.  What did I eat Friday?
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon (probably 3 pieces)
  • a cheese snack
  • ...
  • no idea
I was right.  I remembered it all very clearly on Saturday, but it was gone by this morning.  It might have been fajitas (so called - ech!) at Applebees, with a nasty sweet BBQ sauce on them, for dinner.  Possibly.  And probably something to get that taste out of my mouth after.

Anyway, we did pretty well over the weekend - a couple of handfuls of walnuts were probably my worst peccadillo.  I'm at 142.6 this morning, which is about where I was on Friday.

Lots of things going on in my head, diet-wise, over the weekend.  I dried about 4 pounds of strawberries on Saturday - seriously yummy stuff - and it started me thinking.  I'm battling two opposing instinctive drives here.  It's summer, and I feel the need to put food up for winter, hence the drying of strawberries and what-not.  Making like a squirrel with nuts stashed all over.  But the paleo in me says, "live seasonally", which would lead me to avoid putting anything away in storage.  Oh, well.  I never was a purist or anything about this way of eating, and if I feel like drying fruit a bit this summer, so be it.  I'm thinking peaches or nectarines dried in a similar fashion (cut thin and left in the dehydrator until crunchy) might be darn tasty, too. 

I succession-planted the garden over the weekend - pulled the spinach out and put in some winter squash (the seed packet claims 4 varieties, but I could only pick out 3 distinct seed types, so not sure what we will be getting from this exercise).  The strawberries continue to produce at the rate of a handful every couple of days, and the raspberries are on the brink of being ripe - as we are a week out from our vacation.  Go figure.  Hope they'll outlast it and I don't get home to find the netting in a state of devastation.

And, to top the weekend off, I got Dr. Eades' latest blog entry in an e-mail, and he explains my leg cramps, after all the work I did to keep my potassium levels up, as simple dehydration.  Since his description of the cramps matches mine very well, I'm buying it - and will probably drink a bit more water after dinner from now on.  Glad to hear, actually, that it's not potassium depletion; it sounds like a nasty thing to do over a long period and I was actually a little worried about it.

We are taking cheese and salami and nuts with us on vacation next week, so I shouldn't have any regrets for indulging in truck-stop trail mix this trip.  Hope not, anyway.  And I got the Cracker Barrel app on my phone, so we can always find a sit-down meal that includes low-carb options (bless them!) while on the road.  Should be a good time.

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