Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24th

Still at 152.8, and that's after a dinner at La Loma involving corn chips and cheese enchiladas.  Yum, but nearly always carrying a bit extra with it.  So all good.  Got a minor minefield coming up on Sunday with the family dinner for the girls' birthdays - there's a real possibility that it will include pasta, and there will be cake.  So I have plans.  Eat a really good breakfast, and probably some hotdogs for lunch, and shove a bag of jerky in the car when we leave.  So if I end up having a lot of salad and being hungry (although, it really would be just a minor fast, so no huge deal), there will be nourishment available.

Not much else going on.  Lee finally got below 205, so he's happy.  Hopefully it will continue.

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