Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15th

Bad night last night - nothing to do with leg cramps.  I don't know what I did to myself over the weekend, but the past few days have absolutely confirmed that I should never go back to the Standard American Diet.  I went to bed, exhausted and/or achy, before 8 pm, and was lights-out by 9.  The water I was carrying around was in my feet during dinner - lovely to feel the arches of my birkies while walking - and a lot of the rest of me just hurt.  Some of that water is gone now - hence the bad sleep - but I'm only down a pound (156) and still feel fairly rotten, so I think we are not done yet.

Tried a new snack option last night that I think will help for my horrid boredom eating issues.  I bought a couple of cheese balls - the kind rolled in nuts - and am spreading them on pecans to eat.  Pretty tasty, and very low carb - and not just cheese.  If I'd looked a bit longer I would have bought the cheese spread (from which the cheeseballs are made) rather than the cheese balls, but when I found it, I didn't want to go put the other stuff back.

I also tried a new brand of heavy cream - the stuff on offer at Costco. Nowhere near as tasty as Organic Valley, and all clumpy (I don't think it's bad, but it's not homogenized.  Maybe that's what carrageenan does).  So going forward, I'll stick with the latter.

Hopefully, today will see the end of the malaise and I can get back to normal.  I'm doing an IF until dinner - was so tired I opted to delay getting up rather than eating, but I was planning to IF anyway.  I feel like I owe my system a huge apology - hope it will take a rest in it's place.

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