Monday, February 25, 2013


Rough weekend.  Needed rest, but didn't get it; sleep continued to be elusive.  Ate crap; I don't know if it was the sleep debt or what, but I had the munchies all weekend.  Combine that with our purchase (instigated by me, but not on that scale!) of 50 vending-sized bags of Lays potato chips, and you can see how bad things could get.  I think I have eaten about 4 of them, total, so it could be worse.  But 2 in the bathtub yesterday.  Just so very wrong.  150.4 and damn glad to be no worse this morning.  

I don't think I'll bother with the rundown of yesterday's eating.  Lots of snacking.  I would like to mention, though, that the walking/stairclimbing has been paying off; I'm finding it easier to stand from a seated position than it has been for a while, and I attempted a real squat on Saturday and was able to pull it off.  So that's something.

Made potato salad over the weekend - an attempt at eating resistant starch - and it came out brilliantly.  Most of the time, Cooks Illustrated is just the bomb.

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