After a bit of thought yesterday, I decided to cut back on the between-meals cheese a bit. If you look back at the food logs, you'll sometimes just see "cheese", but when I mention quantities, it's hardly ever just one piece - and that's because I tend to grab two or three at minimum. So when I got hungry yesterday, I grabbed only one piece of cheese, with the intention of returning for more, if that didn't work. And I got hungry again - about 3 hours later, and grabbed another single piece. And one more, at home, before a trip to the gym. Did it work? Maybe. 148.1 this morning. I was in ketosis ("small", per the jar label thingy) at bedtime last night and again this morning. And I have to say that I'm starting to feel a lot better - more energetic, and if I'm achy, I'm not noticing it as much. I also slept very well last night.
So, here's yesterday:
- scrambled eggs
- bacon
- tea with cream
- the usual supplements
- bouillon
- cheese (total of 3 pieces throughout the day)
- the "Chicken BLTA 'sandwich'" from the Quick and Easy Primal Blueprint cookbook (oh, my, was that good!)
- more tea with cream
Rough breakdown was 95.9g fat (68%), 20.2g carbs (6%), and 82.6g protein (26%). And while I know that calories are somewhat subsidiary, much fewer of them satisfied me yesterday than the day before. Whether or not that was the difference, I don't know, but I feel like I've paid attention to what I'm doing again, and that attention has borne fruit.
The Chicken BLTA thing we had for dinner was amazing good - a butterflied chicken breast, grilled, spread with mayo, and layered with BLT ingredients and half an avocado - only we didn't have actual lettuce leaves so we omitted the "L". In theory, one then folds the chicken back up and eats it like a sandwich. In practice, not even close - we ate it open faced and with utensils because the chicken would not fold. Still, really delicious.
Don't know if I'll be in ketosis much this morning; I had a bowl of strawberries and cream and two sausage patties for breakfast. Not sure how many carbs that would be, but probably more than I would want at a sitting right now. If I find myself hungry at mid-morning, though, I will have a piece of cheese. Just one.
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