Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Aargh!  145.8 this morning, after a day's eating that went like this:
  • 2 scrambled eggs
  • 2 slices real bacon
  • heavy cream in my tea
  • 1 vending machine package of beef jerky
  • 3 small chunks of gouda
  • 2 squares of Lindt 85% cacao chocolate
  • rather too many cashews, but probably less than 1 cup
  • taco salad with 1/2 lb grassfed ground beef, shredded cheese, sour cream, and TJ's green salsa
I'm still very sore and achy, and my fingers are swollen up.  Took 2 fish oil and a cucurmin, and 2 advil this morning with breakfast.  I hope that some of that will do something.  This well may be delayed reaction to all those desserts in the week after Easter - they're both going in the trash tonight, by the way.  And I'm cutting out the cashews/walnuts for a while since they're really my significant source of carbs at the moment.  And to foil the vending machines today, I have cheese with me - 3 of the store brand cheddar cheese snacks. 

It will go away.  And if the weight does not, I will get the pain to stop, at least, by focusing on  a better fat ratio.

Oh!  Some very good news this morning - Sunflower Market is advertising grassfed ground beef now!  I'm very stoked!

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