Monday, May 23, 2011


Ugh.  It's doing it again.  I don't think we ate that badly over the weekend, but here I am, at 146.6.  That's two and a half pounds gained, for no apparent reason.  I hate that.  Fingers are swollen even now, although my ankles feel more or less normal.  I took 3 Advil and 3 fish oil last night to help with pain in my shoulder (now gone, I might add - it does work on that), but am still, apparently, inflamed.

I'm blaming the cashews, I think.  They are addictively salty, for starters.  They crunch, too.  And I eat them.  9 grams of carbs per 3 tablespoons worth (what a weird way to measure nuts, by the way).  It doesn't seem like much, but I think it might be too much.  That, and I think they could have other anti-nutrients; somewhere a while back, I'd heard that they had to be cooked to destroy toxins.  Rather like wheat, or legumes.

And the heavy cream.  Not that it's bad in itself, but we bought a half-gallon a while back and are dosing up on it to get rid of it before it goes bad.  Since it's UHT pasturized, I think that might be several years out, but I hate to waste it, and it is slowly getting thicker on us.  So I've had several meals of strawberries with heavy cream, and it's possible that I may have hit the tipping point that Stephan Guyenet or Chris Masterjohn was discussing in a recent blog - literally, too much fat pushing weight gain.  Maybe.

Or it could just be wild-ass hormone fluctuations.  Those are very possible these days.

Anyway, we're going to be dietarily strict this week, starting with dinner (because breakfast was fairly huge - and I think that's another place to look for changes we've made since the weight loss slowed/stopped/reversed).  Steak and salad.  Salmon and salad, maybe.  I'm going to get more fish in my diet, and fewer nuts, I think.  I'm not a huge salmon fan, but we have some in the freezer and it should be eaten.

A new week, a new start.  I'll get this figured out.

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