Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In Phoenix and basically offline yesterday.  Always fun, trying to fly anywhere in winter - even being on the western edge of that gargantuan storm was a bit much.  But, surprisingly, my flight there was only about 1/2 hour late, even with lining up to de-ice, and my flight back was early arriving, and very empty, to boot.  Pity, that - I would have been TOTALLY OKAY with a cancellation - twist my arm, I guess I'll stay in 63-degree Phoenix instead of returning immediately to 9-below-zero Denver.  Oh, well.

One somewhat humorous note from the trip there.  I sit in aisle seats on planes so that I have at least one arm rest, guaranteed, and the option to stick my feet in the aisle if the legroom is scanty.  I'd picked an aisle seat, and another woman had picked a window seat, and the flight out wasn't full.  But our row was.  Toward the end of boarding, a rather large man indicated he wanted to sit in the middle seat, and as he was getting settled, remarked that he'd picked our row because we were "the smallest people on the flight", and he needed the extra room.  And then asked if he could leave the armrest up on my side.  Sheesh!  I don't think that I lost 48-odd pounds so that I could better accommodate overweight airline passengers.  And I fought mightily the urge to explain to him that he could fix things by cutting back on the starchy, sugary, food choices.  Not surprisingly, he had a Coke during the flight (not a "diet").  Also not too surprisingly, he was from Seattle - where I saw the largest people I've ever seen last fall.  I was a mite annoyed by the episode at the time, but looking back, I guess it's a compliment of sorts.

I saw 143.2 yesterday - I didn't quite do a fast all day Monday; had some cheese and nuts after arriving in Phoenix.  I actually ate 3 meals yesterday - mostly-naked tacos from Chipotle for lunch (had the barbacoa, which was tasty but who knows what the sauce was), and some soup and a salad (and some of Elizabeth's chips-and-salsa) for dinner at the airport Chili's.  So at home this morning, I was at 143.8, which still isn't bad.  Worthy of being asked to give up a portion of my plane seat to a larger passenger, anyway.

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