You know, I really should try to come up with cleverer headlines, but the date was redundant, and at least "Tuesday" adds information to what the blog already displays.
Um, okay. Nothing to add to that.
Much of the weight yesterday was water, and I have disposed of nearly 2 pounds of it since then - back down to 144.4 this morning, and that after chips and salsa at dinner last night. We opted for Mexican, and I was good about the entree - had carne asada with guacamole and pico de gallo - but I do love crispy corn chips and salsa. And Lee ordered some additional guacamole, which was an added enticement. We no longer go past the first basket of chips anywhere, but we don't exactly avoid them, either. Grain food, certainly, but gluten-free. Almost certainly cooked in franken-oils, though.
Over the weekend, I had some sweet potato fries with a lunch, and they were simply beyond wonderful. Little paleo donut substitutes. Still fried in seed oil, I'm sure. So I'm thinking that I could slice up a sweet potato fairly thin and saute or fry it in bacon grease and get something nearly as tasty (maybe more tasty) but slightly healthier. Worth a try. And, after reading Melissa McEwan's posting on yams yesterday, I think I'll stick with the local sweet potatoes, peeled, rather than trying to find a true African variety.
We used up the coconut milk in the fridge making something like this yesterday - haven't had it yet, and after jiggling one of the cups in the fridge, I'm thinking it should have had more chocolate in it - it's still pretty mobile this morning. I think it's going to taste pretty good, though. We made ours with half of a Lindt 85% bar rather than chocolate chips, and I didn't add the cinnamon or the rum. Pure chocolate and coconut.
Tonight, we're having some soup I made and froze during Lee's last foray to Phoenix - beef with carrots and mushrooms and onions, from a Cook's Illustrated recipe. Speaking of which, I got the new issue yesterday and a lot of the recipes in it are either Paleo as-is, or can be made to be Paleo with a minor adjustment (ghee or olive oil instead of "vegetable" oil, for example). I doubt they did it on purpose, but I'm grateful.
In about a month, it will be time to start planting out veg in the garden for the summer. I'm feeling mildly hopeful that the raspberries survived, and hoping that the strawberries did (I didn't cover them, so they got the brunt of the -12 or whatever it was a few weeks ago). And, if the raspberries haven't crowded them out, we may have pickable asparagus this year. I think I'll put in rather a lot of leafy greens, to see how far we can go with salads and stuff this summer - maybe some cookable ones as well, like chard (again - only this year, we'll actually try eating it!). Tomatoes and cukes, of course, but I think I'll buy zucchini and eggplants this year, rather than grow them. But I think I will skip green beans, and maybe peas, since both are legumes. We aren't putting in a lot of effort toward eating seasonally, but I think we'll be moving that way over the next year or so - that seems to me a very "paleo" concept.
Lee's been saving egg cartons so we can try out the egg vendor down the road from us. I'm hopeful that their hens are allowed out to eat grass and bugs, although at this part of the year, I don't know where they'd get either. We've been getting very orange eggs from Costco lately, from a local mostly-free-range vendor that is at least certified humane, although they swear their hens are fed a 100% vegetarian diet (which is stupid, given that the hens will eat mice and frogs if they can get them). Anyway, we're going to give it a look, and if it doesn't work out, we'll go back to the Costco ones.
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