Monday, December 13, 2010

Garbage in, ...

Pounds on.  Ate horridly all weekend, and as a result, I'm up to 148 this morning, and not surprised in the least - also unsurprised to be feeling swollen and achy in most of my joints.  Friday's Mexican food led to Saturday's purchase of Christmas cookies and dinner with some sort of fried potato cake, leading to Sunday's cheesecake (no flour, we think, but plenty of sugar) and stew (flour roux, almost certainly), and chips and queso.  Not clean, not remotely Paleo.  So - no surprise here, I think - I'm fasting this morning.

We did the cookies right.  I went to a proper German bakery in Old Town, and bought an assortment of small butter/sugar cookies with sprinkles or frosting on them.  Once home, I vacuum-packed half of them and stuffed them in the freezer, and made a rule for myself limiting the intake to no more than 2 a day.  And I have abided by those rules.  The cookies I have had so far (only 3, actually) are extremely tasty and not so sweet as the one I had at work a week or so ago.  I think, without all the other junk, they would have been minimal in impact.

Lee is starting to push back on Paleo eating, arguing that the research I've done cannot possibly be the whole picture (not that I'm claiming it is) and telling me that he's going back to skim milk.  Fine.  I give up with him.  He won't read anything I send him for himself, claiming he believes what I've been saying - until he doesn't.  If he wants to eat garbage and argue with me about the knowledge I've gained, I will simply stop sharing; he's on his own.  I'll continue to eat the way I've learned to, the way that has improved my lipids dramatically, the way that has lost me around 45 pounds (depending on which day you ask), the way that will help me avoid Type II Diabetes and heart disease and Alzheimer's and auto-immune disorders and other diseases of civilization, and he can take his stupid statin drugs and blood pressure meds and sink slowly into metabolic syndrome.  Because if he doesn't want to understand the principles himself, and wants me to do his homework for him and tell him what to do, it ill-serves him to turn around and tell me that the homework I did for him was wrong.  He thinks that he will be able to lose weight by cutting calories and fat and by exercising, despite the fact that he has already lost something like 20 pounds by ignoring calories, not exercising, and eating fat.

Crazy-making, definitely.  But he's over 60, and is resisting the new tricks.  And his weight loss has stalled (I know why, too, but I will not be able to convince him to stop eating grits and yogurt and milk and bananas even for a week or two to see if it starts moving again - I know this because I've suggested it before and got nowhere). Not sure that there's much I can ultimately do there.

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