Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th

Had a lovely weekend in Phoenix, and mostly ate well.  I think that Elizabeth's stomach finally convinced her to give up bread for real - we had In-N-Out for lunch Saturday and she had a bun and a near-immediate bout of lower-intestinal distress.  I left her with a bunch of spaghetti sauce (christening the new crock-pot), some cooked ground beef ready for taco salad or stroganoff or chile, and 5 individual foil pans of a family favorite casserole.  The last is a bit suspicious, though, because it uses concentrated cream of celery soup, and I'm not personally sure that it won't set her stomach off - I think it probably has wheat in it.

Anyway, capped off the weekend by eating chips and salsa at the airport - and as a consequence, was up to 149.6 this morning.  And I had leg cramps on Saturday night, despite potatoes at dinner two nights running, which should have kept the carbs at a reasonable level.  Apparently it wasn't enough.

For the record, the Flying Dutchman at In-N-Out is kind of boring - just meat and cheese.  I think I'll go back to protein-style and just eat it with a fork from now on.

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