I detect a pattern. On Friday, I weigh X. Over the weekend, I commit some sort of dietary solecism, such as my chips-and-salsa binge last Sunday. On Monday, sanity reasserts itself, and I eat properly all week, and, come the next Friday, I weigh X again. And so it was this week. 147.2 this morning, with feet and ankles much closer to normal. And an upcoming weekend with - I hope - fewer opportunities to sin. But we shall see.
About a week ago, my sister posted on Facebook that she was in high hopes that the salt water had improved her lipids and thyroid numbers. I heard from my parents last night that it hadn't done anything (I am not surprised). I did finally have a minor rant about the salt water in the presence of someone other than Lee or Elizabeth; I think my father is of my opinion on it, but Mom is shelling out the $130/month for the snake oil and was a bit taken aback at my using terms like "placebo effect". Oh, well. I also went off on the subject of statins for women - because, with bad lipids (according to CW, anyway), my sister is on one. She shouldn't be. If she has thyroid issues, she should be on thyroid supplements. And she should be eating to cure the metabolic syndrome that she's had for a fairly long time - I can think back 10 years to stories about her blood sugar being suddenly low and turning her into a minor ogre. And, since she knows basically what we've been doing and dismissed it a while back as "not sustainable", I don't think there's much I can do for her. Which is sad.
Got a grassfed sirloin tip steak in the fridge defrosting for dinner - planning on that and a sweet potato, both with lots of pastured butter. I actually managed to produce an egg-and-bacon breakfast this morning, yeah! Getting the timing right so that things can sort of cook unattended while I get ready for the day is tough, though. But worth it - that is more satiating than most anything else I might eat in the morning.
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