Back a while, when I found the LoseIt app for my phone, I set up a goal in the app to lose weight until I weighed 160 pounds. It's been tracking me, as often as I would enter a weight in it, since then - and I think it's been nearly a year since I started. Well, this morning, I reached my goal - the scale read 159.8 pounds!
I'm not where I need to be yet - as I said yesterday, that's looking more and more like 143 - but in the near term, I have not weighed this little in over 10 years (and that was a 1 day blip where I believe I hit 158), and in the longer term, the last time I weighed this little for any length of time, I was pregnant with a child who will be turning 21 in a few months. After she was born, I settled at about 160 and stayed there or higher ever since. So not only is this a milestone, but it's practically uncharted territory.
I think the standard reaction of someone "on a diet" who hits a goal is to go out and eat cake - or some forbidden food - to celebrate. I have no desire to do that. Not because I have a new goal or anything, but because I (knock wood) have apparently overcome my addiction to most of the food I've stopped eating. I hope it's not illusory and that this time next year I will not be moaning and weeping because one Christmas cookie started some sort of avalanche of pounds all over again. For now, I will accept it as a gift, and enjoy it. And I'll be very careful with the Christmas cookies...
(I won't spoil the mood by going into details, but it's a damn good thing I was down this morning, because my left leg went off like a bomb at intervals of about 1-1/2 hours all night. Working my way away from potassium leaching will probably be the hardest thing once I get closer to my normal weight, whatever that turns out to be.)
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