Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12th

Bad night - exploding leg muscles yet again.  But I lost another pound, so I'm at 158.  Still, to be up walking around at 2 am because both my shin muscle and calf muscle on the same leg had cramped had me questioning my overall sanity a bit.  The nasty cramps still seem to be focused on my left leg for some reason, although I did feel some muscle "clenching" in my right calf, and both of them spent the wee hours twitching.  Or something - it feels like bubbles growing and breaking, and it's not tremendously apparent from the outside if I put my hand on the muscles doing it.

So I'm at kind of a crossroads, these days, I guess.  I can continue the hard-core low carb eating until I get into the 140s and suffer through the nights, or I can add some potatoes or carrots or rice and risk stopping the weight loss altogether (I actually don't know what will happen; I know that it causes water retention, which stops the potassium leaching, which stops the cramps).  I'm not sure what I want to do - I hated being stalled at 162.2 (a number that will live in infamy, I think), and I like that the dam appears to have broken for a while.  But the broken sleep is definitely painful - in more ways than one.

I think I'd better let things lay for the weekend at least.  We're out of town to Phoenix, moving Biz back to school, so eating may be a bit peculiar and driven by factors other than health.  And when we get back, I can put some thought to the way forward, and maybe even try adding some starchy veg back over an entire week to see what happens.  I do feel like I have the luxury now to take a week to experiment a bit; I wouldn't have dared to do this back in April.  On the other hand, in April, I wasn't leaping out of a sound sleep in acute pain multiple times per night, either.

If I had the energy, I'd do the happy dance about being at 158.  This is equal to the lowest weight I've been at in 21 years.  Woo.  also Hoo.

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