Friday, July 24, 2015


157.8 this morning. Stress. Has to be; we aren't eating much differently from previous weeks.

Slept better last night; I took a Benadryl around 7:30, and then stayed up until 9 pm, more or less. Fell asleep pretty easily, stayed asleep with a brief awakening at 2:30, woke up clear-headed. I think perhaps all these years I've been doing it wrong. Chalk up a little learning to a very bad day.

I nearly didn't weigh myself this morning; the kitchen and the scale are at opposite ends of a staircase, and the dogs come first; if I don't get up early (like 5 am) and weigh myself then, I have to drag 2 drinks (tea and gelatin) upstairs with me so I can weigh myself when "empty", so to speak. Very inconvenient at the moment. Possibly adding to stress. In which case, I think it might be a good idea to stop checking until we get settled. Anything I can take off that load has to help. 

Okay, done. There will be no more weighing until I am in my own house. 

We had socializing last night, and will again tonight - Lee's doing the rounds of all his friends to say good bye. Last night, it was pretty much the last thing I needed to do - and his choice to sit outside in 90-degree weather where the sun hit us directly as it set was not helpful either. I didn't say anything, and I asked him if he had a preference before offering my opinion (I think info on that resolution is elsewhere), and he volunteered after that it hadn't been the best choice. It didn't matter that much, though - having to spend time making chit-chat with near strangers is rather a problem for me, and interestingly enough, we went to dinner with me expecting to have only 2 other people to deal with, only to find it was 4. Not good. But I think tonight may be the last of these incidents. And I know these folks a bit better, so it may be fine. Still more stress that I'd prefer not to add just now.

Weekend coming up. Packing, I think (for a change?). Maybe another movie, maybe not. I hope it's restful.

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