Monday, January 5, 2015


I guess we've already had the first post of the new year, so I won't go into any of that. Suffice it to say that I was at 155.6 this morning - not bad after 3 days spent in hibernation, basically. It was cold, Lee's still sick (!), and while we did make it out for a walk on Saturday, and I got my eye appointment done for contacts to wear for Mardi Gras (it's way easier to deal with masks wearing contacts than glasses), that was pretty much it. I did some sewing yesterday, and some reading, and some TV-watching (oh, joy).

I don't think I recall yesterday's eating, but it involved an omelet and a few hashbrowns for breakfast, cheese and ham and chocolates, and that was it, I believe. I'm trying to get back into fat-burning mode, and am planning on doing the upcoming Primal Blueprint 21-day challenge (starts in 1 week). The point of the latter, though is less about eating (we're mostly Primal these days, except when I dive face-first into junk food) than about the strength exercises. I feel like that's my big issue these days - I am not particularly strong, and I need to be stronger. So I want to focus on his fitness routines for a solid period, see if they work for me. And if I can't find time or room to do bodyweight stuff 2 days a week for a total of 45 minutes, then I have bigger issues than strength.

Sleep over the weekend was much improved from Thursday; I think I slept clear through all 3 nights. Last night, I took Benadryl, just as a precaution; the 2 nights before were honey/magnesium/melatonin nights. And the honey dreams are kicking in full-force, that's for sure. And starting to be memorable as well - which, I hope, means that I'm less exhausted. Crossing my fingers that I have at least a bit of a handle on the sleep these days.

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