Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I did pretty well yesterday, eating, I mean. Had soup and salad at a work-paid team lunch, and had burgers and salad for dinner. So lots of veg - meat and leaves. After dinner, the stress eating got me 2 handfuls into a bag of tortilla chips - not so great. But I stopped after that, which is something - and the salt kept the evening calf fasciculation from waking me up overnight.

This morning, I do not know how much I weigh. Stepped on the scale 4 times and got 4 different numbers. 149.0 and 150.2 before the shower, 151.2 and 150.0 after. I averaged them and came up with 150.1, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

We got a walk in last night. Thank goodness; the news about Ebola was kind of my last straw for the day, and it popped up just at quitting time, so I needed to walk off some excess cortisol. Pity our dog's anti-cortisol meds have all sorts of warnings about hand-washing after touching them, or maybe I could keep things down a bit. The walk helped, a little. Not enough to let me be sleepy at bedtime, though - I had to resort to "Art Bell" - i.e., his former radio show streamed on my iPad - to get into the sleep zone. It worked, though - I was out by about 10:15, I'd bet. The guest was talking about frequencies and musical tones; that I don't know more about the topic is proof that I crashed quickly. So sleep was dodgy, but better than nothing.

Bedtime ketones at Trace again, probably thanks to the chips. 

Tonight we're dining out for our anniversary, but at a place that provides meaty food, so I should be able to keep things good. I'd like to see a more reliable downward trend tomorrow morning. My other challenge is getting through a work "team event" at a bar with finger food. For 3 hours. I actually skived off the company-wide one last month because I couldn't imagine wandering around the zoo looking for something I could eat that wasn't veg and dip. This could be more of the same.

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