Monday, August 4, 2014


Over the weekend, I tracked things pretty closely, and hit 69% fat both days. Achieved incremental weight loss - not my normal weekend pattern at all. 151.2 today, which is up from a week ago, not so good. 

I think last Monday, I said I'd go a week and if things didn't seem to be working, look at options. And while they're certainly not resuming the gains I'd been seeing, I'm not really losing weight anymore - I seem to be stalled. I think I know how to break a stall - by eating nearly nothing but fat for a day or two. And I can probably do that. I just need to let Lee know, maybe tomorrow, that I'm going to fast breakfast. And then have a cup of "tea" that is nearly half cream to be going on with.

Yesterday was sort of a normal Friday eating pattern (never mind that it was Sunday) - a Denny's breakfast, a bit of cheese during the day, then dinner. We went to a movie, where I took some of the little all-cheese crisp thingies as my "popcorn" substitute, and they worked well. Saturday, I did a slow 5K fasted, came home and ended up having a Fuzzy's taco salad for lunch, and just cheese and nuts for dinner, because we weren't hungry. I've had a headache for 2 days (starting day 3) after the 5K, which involved being sprayed with violently-colored corn starch (note to self - don't do that one again), and I'm sure that has helped with not really wanting to eat much.

Anyway, the usual breakfast this morning, and I have broccoli soup with me for lunch, which I may thin out a tad. Burgers and zoodles for dinner - at least, that's the plan so far. Maybe a walk tonight, if I'm feeling less blah. (Which is the headache, I think.)

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