Over the course of the past 3 years, I've read a lot about exercise - particularly, when to work out relative to eating. Fasted workouts supposedly provoke increases in HGH, and allow one to eat a carb bolus afterwards to promote recovery. And then last week, I saw this, on the Calories Proper blog, which certainly seems to indicate that exercise after eating suppresses insulin secretion and improves our use of nutrients.
Anyway, last night being the first work night of daylight saving time, I wanted to get a walk in. With all that useful information blowing round my brain, I was thinking eat first, then walk. In the end, I walked both before and after eating - we walked to a nearby BBQ place, had dinner, and then I walked home - Lee is still fighting his after-cold coughing spasms and didn't want to overexert.
Got more than 7000 steps in yesterday - the trip to the restaurant is about a mile each way, and the walking itself felt good. However, walking at sunset may have blown the whole sleep thing out of the water; I got to sleep okay, and woke at 12:30, nearly permanently. I fell asleep again around 4. So, maybe 5 hours' sleep last night, or a little less. I am not feeling wonderfully energetic this morning.
155.4; here's yesterday:
- tea with cream
- the usual supplements
- Jimmy John's unwich with turkey and bacon and cheese (light mayo, lettuce, tomato)
- macadamias - multiple handfuls - probably more than 2
- 1/2 pound pulled pork with a sweet sauce
- a serving and a bit of cole slaw - maybe 3/4 cup
- a small handful (6-8) dark chocolate blueberries
- a handful of cashews
- 1 tsp honey
Near as I can tell, the wakefulness had a lot to do with aches and pains. I could not get comfortable once I woke up. I should have gone and had an Advil or two, but it was cold, and I was periodically sweaty and, just, ugh. Bad night. I hope tonight will be better. In the meantime, I'm working at a seat today, remoting into my standing desk computer from my sitting desk computer. Some days are just like that.
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