Thursday, August 29, 2013


I took an Advil PM last night and got a complete night's sleep.  Every so often, I just have to do that.  It's not paleo, I know, but neither is not sleeping - and the heat waves - they aren't intense enough to be flashes - keep waking me up at night.  Anyway, I opened one eye at 4:30 for the first time, and went back to sleep so quickly after that, I'm not even sure it counts as waking.  I'll take it.  Felt good.

150.2 again this morning.  Good old XXX.2.  I used to stall at a weight of this sort repeatedly during my original weight loss.  My fingers are a little swollen - even now, after driving to work.

So, here's yesterday:
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • creole breakfast casserole, which has been getting progressively spicier over the course of the week
  • a bag of peanuts
  • a bag of nacho cheese doritos
  • pork roast
  • salad with blue cheese dressing
  • 1/8 of a Hershey's dark chocolate with almonds bar
  • 4 almond-flour faux-oatmeal cookies (with walnuts and craisins in them)
I have some of the cookies with me today, to ward off another visit to the machines. They came out great, despite a lot of liberties with the recipe (as in, I used their basic quantities of the staples and the oven stuff, and then went pretty much off the rails), and I figure that, while they are a treat, they are a known quantity, rather than the polysyllabic mess that falls out of the vending machines.  Eating real food and all that.

We did finally manage the pork roast - I made two tenderloins, and we have a lot of leftovers.  I'm foreseeing cubanos, and maybe something to eat sauteed kale with (it will be an experiment, but is supposed to be really good).

Three-day weekend coming up, and no plans that I know of.  Puttering, I would imagine.

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