Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So, I'm liking the new scale.  It's fuss-free, for starters - just step on it, no zeroing to start with.  And it "forgave" my eating sins of yesterday - rather than go up, it went down - to 149.0.  

All told, yesterday was a wretched eating day.  Lots of candy, and the end of a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos just before bedtime.  Between that, some breakfast and some pork roast and salad for dinner.  And a lot of tea.  I am not going to bother with the details, since it was choppy and I don't actually recall everything.  

Finished the PHD book yesterday.  And now I'm digesting, trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with the info.  The book addresses health in a bunch of different dimensions: adequate nutrition, avoidance of toxins, healing chronic infections/infestations, circadian rhythms, and exercise are the ones I can recall.  Paleo low-carb helps with some of the nutrition, but their list of supplements is a bit intimidating.  And there's the starch thing.  From an eating standpoint, the starch thing would be the biggest change, followed by the "gentle cooking" stuff - and I'm not sure I would enjoy the results of that, since I'm quite fond of the Maillard reaction.  So I intend to continue roasting and browning my food for now.  Regarding the starch, I did invest in tapioca flour and xanthan gum yesterday, and am now equipped, in theory, to create gluten-free pizza dough, full of safe starches.  We'll give it a try, but maybe not to the full pound per day of starchy veg just yet.

More on the others later.

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