Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hey - it's not snowing today!  It was, however, very cold out - painful earlobes cold.  I don't know the exact temperature, but a chill wind is hurtling along some of the major streets outside, making it feel much worse.

I saw some tweets from Melissa McEwen yesterday, talking about how a cold environment helped her stay leaner.  I can see the logic in that, but emotionally, I'm not sure I'm on board.  I'm not pinin' for the fjords right now, that's for sure - maybe the saguaro.

Whatever.  It is late Fall, after all.  And I'm back down to 145.0 this morning.  Lee lost yesterday as well.  I think he had some ham and cheese around mid-day, and I had some cheese, so we basically ate the same thing:
  • scrambled eggs
  • bacon
  • tea with cream
  • the usual supplements
  • cheese
  • stuffed pepper with spaghetti sauce
  • salad with meat and blue cheese dressing
  • hot tea
  • chocolate almonds
  • a few potato chips
Oh, and by the way, yesterday's entry should have included hot and sour soup.  I don't know that it influenced anything or not, but I thought I'd mention it.

Sleep has been pretty much the usual - I have a short wake in the wee hours, and the leg cramps have resurfaced, much to my dismay.  They don't seem to be waking me up as thoroughly as the last bouts, though, for which I am very grateful.

I have a business trip next week, so I am already plotting.  Bringing nuts and maybe jerky with me, and going to see if I can find out what "breakfast" means to the conference organizers.  I'm sure it won't involve fat and protein, unfortunately, so I'll be doing my usual get up early and buy my own routine.  Kinda annoying, but in the grand scheme of things, bearable.

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